Anna Conn - evokeAG.

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Anna Conn

Anna Conn

Communications Specialist | Anna Conn Communications

Wellington, NSW

Anna is a communications specialist with career experience spanning across agriculture, government, marketing, tourism and publishing.


From an upbringing on her family’s beef cattle farm near Dungog in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Anna now lives with her husband and two children on their sheep and cropping property near Wellington in the Central West.


Whether it’s as a rural reporter for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or a media adviser to a longstanding Federal Member of Parliament, Anna’s diverse career background in public relations, media and communications has shaped her to be a conscientious and adaptable professional.


She believes in lifelong learning, holding degrees in Public Relations and Business from Charles Sturt University, along with a Master of Communication from Deakin University.


Today, Anna supports rural and regional clients to create impact with her trusted guidance and clever communications content. When not putting pen to paper, she adores the simple pleasures of life on the land with her family.

‘We’re a business that doesn’t sit still’: Mort & Co’s insatiable appetite to innovate

From Australian-first advances in granulated, organic fertiliser through to methane-inhibiting feed additives, Mort & Co is no stranger to innovation. Mort & Co Sustainability Manager, Brad Robinson shares how the Queensland-based company has gone from a $1.7 million annual turnover in 1998 to in excess of $400 million in recent years – all while keeping sustainability at the forefront.

16 Oct 2024