Speakers - evokeAG.

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2025 Speakers

evokeAG. 2025 brings together global thought leaders, innovators, scientists and industry experts to debate the critical issues that demand innovative solutions such as global food security, climate change and resource management.

Stu Adam

Stu Adam

CEO and Co-Founder - Agronomeye

Marcus Agnew

Marcus Agnew

Head of Venture Studio - Beanstalk AgTech

Georgie Aley

Georgie Aley

Consulting Partner - KPMG Australia

Mark Allison

Mark Allison

Managing Director and CEO - Elders

Adam Anders

Adam Anders

Co-Founder and Managing Partner - Anterra Capital

Margo Andrae

Margo Andrae

CEO - Pork Australia Limited

Chris Andrew

Chris Andrew

Advisor - Waluwin Foundation

Professor Tony Bacic

Professor Tony Bacic

Director - La Trobe Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and Food

Andrew Bate

Andrew Bate

Co-Founder and CEO - SwarmFarm Robotics

Jocie Bate

Jocie Bate

Co-Founder and CFO - SwarmFarm Robotics

Sara Balawajder

Sara Balawajder

Director (Investments) - Builders Vision

Saron Berhane

Saron Berhane

Co-Founder - BioScout

Jack Bobo

Jack Bobo

Executive Director - UCLA Rothman Family Institute (Food Studies)

Connie Bowen

Connie Bowen

Founding General Partner - Farmhand Ventures

Robert Boyd

Robert Boyd

Regional Head (Asia Pacific: Global Sustainability Policy & Partnerships) - Boeing

Elizabeth Brennan

Elizabeth Brennan

Co-Founder - agdots

Hugh Bromley

Hugh Bromley

Head of Food, Agriculture and Nature Research - BloombergNEF

Linda Brown

Linda Brown

Board Director - Torrens University

Professor Roman Buckow

Professor Roman Buckow

Director of the Centre for Food Science - La Trobe University

Tony Burnett

Tony Burnett

Director, Queensland Operations - Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ)

Carly Burnham

Carly Burnham

Director - Bonnie Doone Organic Beef

Jeana Cadby

Jeana Cadby

Environment and Climate Director - Western Growers

Daniela Carnovale

Daniela Carnovale

Greenhouse Gas Business and Research Development Manager - Agscent

Mike Casey

Mike Casey

CEO - Rewiring Aotearoa

Luke Chaplain

Luke Chaplain

Founder - SkyKelpie

Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm

Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm

Assistant Minister - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Malachai Clements

Malachai Clements

Groundbreaker, evokeAG. 2025 - YUMI Cultural Experiences

Tom Coggan

Tom Coggan

Farmer - Coggan Farms

Sean Cole

Sean Cole

Advocacy and Rural Affairs Manager - GrainGrowers

Professor Michelle Colgrave

Professor Michelle Colgrave

Deputy Director (Food), Agriculture and Food, CSIRO

Tessa Cook

Tessa Cook

AgriFutures Horizon Scholar - Agrifutures Scholarship Holder

Sarah Cragg

Sarah Cragg

Head of Asia Pacific - The Earthshot Prize

Michael Crowley

Michael Crowley

Managing Director - Meat & Livestock Australia

Lindsay Davies

Lindsay Davies

Caring for Country Coordinator - Indigital

Darcy Davis

Darcy Davis

Lead Supply Manager ANZ - Neste

Alastair Delooze

Alastair Delooze

Business Development Manager - DENSO Automative Systems Australia

Brooke Donnelly

Brooke Donnelly

General Manager (Sustainability) - Coles Group

Jacob Elkhishin

Jacob Elkhishin

Partner - RSM Australia

Renee Farrow

Renee Farrow

Principal - Troubridge and Mars Consulting

Adam Fennessy PSM

Adam Fennessy PSM

Secretary - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Kylie Frazer

Kylie Frazer

Co-Founder and Partner - Flying Fox Ventures

Dan Galligan

Dan Galligan

Chief Executive Officer - CANEGROWERS

Joshua Gilbert

Joshua Gilbert

Policy Officer (Indigenous Policy) - University of Technology Sydney

Richard Gorman

Richard Gorman

CEO, Director and Shareholder - Kalfresh Pty Ltd

Michelle Gortan

Michelle Gortan

CEO - Macdoch Foundation

Scott Graham

Scott Graham

Head of Agriculture - Barker College

Jo Grainger

Jo Grainger

First Assistant Secretary (Trade and International Division) - Department Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Pip Grant

Pip Grant

CEO - Riverine Plains

Natasha Greenwood

Natasha Greenwood

General Manager, Agribusiness - CommBank

Robert Grey

Robert Grey

Director, Sustainable Future - Plug and Play

Mark Gustowski

Mark Gustowski

Co-Founder and Chair Investment Committee - Mandalay Venture Partners

David Harris

David Harris

Managing Director and CEO - Australian Agricultural Company

Nigel Hart

Nigel Hart

Managing Director - Grains Research Development Corporation

Dr Victoria Hatton 

Dr Victoria Hatton 

Chief Executive - FoodHQ Innovation, New Zealand 

Lisa Hewitt

Lisa Hewitt

Queensland and Northern Territory General Manager - Elders

Rob Hulme

Rob Hulme

CEO - The Boralis Group and President, AusAgritech

Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt

Principal - Tim Hunt Consulting

Michael Hush

Michael Hush

Chief Scientist - Q-CTRL

Bryce Ives

Bryce Ives

Founder and Principal - YoBou

Ryan James

Ryan James

CEO - Indigenous Innovation Ventures

Tom Jefferies

Tom Jefferies

Extension Agronomist - Thomas Elder Sustainable Agriculture (TESA)

Jordan Jeffery

Jordan Jeffery

Head of Investment - GrainCorp

David Jochinke

David Jochinke

AV Jochinke and Co. and President, National Farmers’ Federation - National Farmers’ Federation

Nick Johnston

Nick Johnston

Founder - Aquifa

Anthony Kachenko

Anthony Kachenko

General Manager Sustainability and Production - Hort Innovation

Andrew Kersley

Andrew Kersley

Founders and CEO - SmartMachine

Hugh Killen

Hugh Killen

Managing Director - Impact Ag Australia

Meg Kummerow

Meg Kummerow

Customer Success Representative - Almanac

Malkah Lara Muckenschnabl

Malkah Lara Muckenschnabl

Facilitator, YoBou

Oli Le Lievre

Oli Le Lievre

Founder and CEO - Humans of Agriculture

Melinee Leather

Melinee Leather

Co-owner and Managing Director - Leather Cattle Co.

Anthony Lee

Anthony Lee

CEO and Director - Australian Country Choice

Michelle Lim

Michelle Lim

VP of Growth - 4AG Robotics

Harriet Mellish

Harriet Mellish

General Manager, Global Innovation Networks - AgriFutures Australia

Alex Montanari

Alex Montanari

Groundbreaker, evokeAG. 2025 - AGRA Farming Technologies

Professor Jacqueline McGlade

Professor Jacqueline McGlade

Founder and Chief Scientific Officer - Downforce Technologies

Dr. Peter McGilchrist

Dr. Peter McGilchrist

Professor, Meat Science - University of New England

Cathy McGowan AO

Cathy McGowan AO

Chair - AgriFutures Australia

Trevor Meldrum

Trevor Meldrum

CEO and Environmental Operations Manager - Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated

Andrew Metcalfe AO

Andrew Metcalfe AO

Former Secretary - Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Alisa Mihaila

Alisa Mihaila

Groundbreaker, evokeAG. 2025 - James Cook University

Nini Mills

Nini Mills

Chief Executive Officer - Nyamba Buru Yawuru

Phil Morle

Phil Morle

Partner - Main Sequence Ventures

Dr David Nation

Dr David Nation

Managing Director - Dairy Australia

Tim Neale

Tim Neale

President, Australian Agritech Association and Co-Founder and Managing Director, Data Farming - DataFarming

Sarah Nolet

Sarah Nolet

Co-Founder and Managing Partner - Tenacious Ventures

Tom Norman

Tom Norman

Groundbreaker, evokeAG. 2025 - Clean Green Ag

Stephen O’Brien

Stephen O’Brien

CEO - Mort & Co

Dr Susan Orgill

Dr Susan Orgill

Soil Carbon Program Manager and Senior Scientific Adviser - Select Carbon

Veronica Papacosta

Veronica Papacosta

CEO, Seafood Industry Australia and Managing Director - Sydney Fresh Seafood (Aust) Pty Ltd

Zoe Parkin

Zoe Parkin

Associate Director, Investments - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Simon Pearson

Simon Pearson

Professor of Agri-Food Technology and Head of School - University of Lincoln, UK

The Hon. Tony Perrett MP

The Hon. Tony Perrett MP

Minister for Primary Industries - Queensland Government

Dr Adrian Percy

Dr Adrian Percy

Executive Director of the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative - North Carolina State University

Caecilia Potter

Caecilia Potter

CEO - Venso Grow

Victoria Prowse

Victoria Prowse

Agrifood Senior Manager - Artesian

Matthew Pryor

Matthew Pryor

Co-Founder - Tenacious Ventures

Aviva Reed

Aviva Reed

Visual Ecologist - Esk Studio

Indiana Rhind

Indiana Rhind

Groundbreaker, evokeAG. 2025 - Farmwall

Rob Russell

Rob Russell

Partner - Emmertech

Leigh Sales AM

Leigh Sales AM

Journalist - Author

Brooke Sauer

Brooke Sauer

Head of Research & Development, Boolah Group

Dr. Nancy Schellhorn

Dr. Nancy Schellhorn

Co-Founder and CEO - RapidAIM Bio-digital Crop Protection

Lisa Sharp

Lisa Sharp

CEO - Stockyard Group

Jo Sheppard

Jo Sheppard

CEO - Queensland Farmers Federation

Charles Simons

Charles Simons

Chief Sales and Revenue Officer - BioScout

Grant Sims

Grant Sims

No-till Producer - Pine Grove

Christy Sink

Christy Sink

Head of Research & Development - SPC Global

Bren Smith

Bren Smith

Co-Executive Director, GreenWave and Owner - Thimble Island Ocean Farm

Martin Smithson

Martin Smithson

General Manager (Meat Deli Seafood) - Coles

Julia Spicer

Julia Spicer

Director - Engage & Create Consulting

Danielle Statham

Danielle Statham

Co-Owner - Sundown Pastoral Company

Grant Statton

Grant Statton

Executive Director, AgriBusiness Connect | Chairman, Agtech and Logicstics Hub | CEO - AATLIS

Dr Louise Thatcher

Dr Louise Thatcher

Principal Research Scientist - CSIRO Agriculture and Food

Dr. Robert Van Barneveld

Dr. Robert Van Barneveld

Group CEO - SunPork

Bryan Van Wyk

Bryan Van Wyk

Operations Manager - Austral Fisheries

Dennis Voznesenski

Dennis Voznesenski

Associate Director (Sustainable and Agricultural Economist) - Commbank

Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker

Project Manager - Indigenous Science and Engagement, CSIRO

Dr. Raelene Ward

Dr. Raelene Ward

Senior Academic - UniSQ

Dr Nina Welti

Dr Nina Welti

Senior Research Scientist - CSIRO

Charlotte Weston

Charlotte Weston

Sustainability, Clients and Markets Leader | Director EMEIA Public Policy, EY | Expert Advisory Panel - The Earthshot Prize

Sally-Ann Williams

Sally-Ann Williams

CEO - Cicada Innovations

James Williamson

James Williamson

Founder - Latitude 28 Produce and Orijin Plus

Juno Wilson

Juno Wilson

Co-Founder and CEO - Cavicam

Peter Wren-Hilton

Peter Wren-Hilton

Founder and CEO, Wharf42, and Director, Platform 10

Olympia Yarger

Olympia Yarger

Founder and CEO - Goterra