Ready for launch: SkyKelpie’s Luke Chaplain ready to muster at evokeAG. 2025 - evokeAG.

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Ready for launch: SkyKelpie’s Luke Chaplain ready to muster at evokeAG. 2025

SkyKelpie founder Luke Chaplain will take mustering to new heights at evokeAG. 2025 on 18-19 February with a live remote drone muster. Luke shares the lineup of launches planned for evokeAG. 2025, and why he can’t wait to take to the skies – all from within the four walls of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Luke Chaplain is a fourth-generation north Queensland grazier on a mission to empower livestock producers to modernise mustering. And save time, money, and lives in the process. 

We caught up with Luke in mid-2024 following his world-first live remote drone muster – and now he’s set to do it again at evokeAG. 2025.

evokeAG. delegates will get a birds’ eye view of a remote muster from the comfort of their chair on day two of the evokeAG. 2025 program in ‘Meet SkyKelpie: Mustering reimagined.’ 

Humans of Agriculture host Oli Le Lievre will join Luke in a conversation about how his pioneering innovation is transforming a crucial part of livestock management to enhance efficiency and safety in the paddock. 

Luke founded SkyKelpie in 2022 with support from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and evokeAG. 2025 partner, Department of Primary Industries (Queensland), formerly known as the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF). 

Luke is now recognised as one of the leading experts in drone mustering and aerial stockmanship. 

1. What’s got you excited for evokeAG. 2025?

Broadly, I’m excited to showcase the innovation Queensland has fostered. This is my third year in a row working with the evokeAG. team and it gets bigger and better every year.  

Other than generally being excited the event is coming to Queensland, I’m looking forward to attending, ‘The great fallacy: The future is female,’ on day 2 of the program.  

Personally, SkyKelpie has a lineup of exciting launches planned for evokeAG. 2025:  

  • SkyKelpie Aerial Stockmanship Masterclass 

The first online course of its kind, designed to empower livestock handlers with essential skills for drone mustering and stockmanship. It covers a range of topics such as technology, flying techniques, stockmanship fundamentals, herd psychology, regulations, and more. 

  • SkyKelpie Simulator 

A cutting-edge virtual training environment where participants can master drone mustering and aerial stockmanship skills in an immersive setting. 

  • SkyKelpie Scholarship 

The inaugural SkyKelpie Scholarship, valued at $5,000, offers the recipient a drone or Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) accredited license, access to the SkyKelpie Aerial Stockmanship Masterclass, the SkyKelpie Simulator, and 12 months of mentorship with the SkyKelpie team, AND a ticket to evokeAG. 2025! Applications close on 9 January 2025 at 5pm. For more information and how to apply, head here.  

Each year this scholarship will be awarded in partnership with a different organisation, and SkyKelpie is thrilled to partner with Ability Agriculture for this first year. 

2. What do you hope delegates will take away from your session?

Often when I showcase cutting edge technology, delegates will think of other applications and use cases I hadn’t thought of – and it doesn’t get better than that.  

3. What should be the key objectives to bolster agrifood tech innovation in the next 12 months?

Adoption. The more we consult and engage with primary producers who have the best understanding of where the problems lie, the better our solutions will be. 

Luke will continue the conversation, and the mustering action, at evokeAG. 2025 in ‘Meet SkyKelpie: Mustering reimagined.’ Find the full program here.  


Tickets are now on sale for evokeAG. 2025 to be held on 18-19 February 2025 in Brisbane, Queensland. Following a sell-out event in 2024 we are encouraging delegates to secure their tickets, flights and accommodation early.

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane for evokeAG. 2025. In the meantime, catch up on the other conversations about sustainability, climate resilience and the role of agtech in meeting those challenges from here.

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