Rayali Banerjee - evokeAG.

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Rayali Banerjee

Communications Manager | Syngenta | Future Young Leader

Sydney, NSW

Rayali began her journey into agriculture at the age of 13. After interacting with smallholder farmers in India, she questioned how consumers have access to fresh food in Australia whilst smallholder farmers struggle to feed families.


Her passion to empower and reignite the livelihood of Australia’s regional communities is threefold. By firstly communicating the story of agriculture to those outside of the industry, secondly to attract young people to pursue a career in agriculture and finally, to grow Australia’s brand internationally.


Humanitarian work is a big part of her personal philosophy and she has immersed herself in volunteering, leadership and community engagement. Rayali is a mentor to students, works with governments in developing countries to provide funding for farmers and delivers speeches at educational institutions to empower students.


These experiences have allowed her to strengthen her cultural awareness, nurture her compassionate leadership capabilities and make a difference in the lives of others.