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How a McDonald’s burger can become a foodies' “best meal”

When it comes to food the who, where, when and how are all just as important as the what – the food. This context can transform our experiences and transform a mundane burger into the ‘best meal ever’. But in a post COVID-19 world, digital technologies are challenging how we engage and experience food. Globally renowned food innovation expert, Mike Lee explores the rise of the digital food revolution and how the food industry can double down to create memorable, real-life food experiences.

5 Sep 2022

Global exports and the green ‘basket fillers’

It will come as a surprise to nobody, that European consumers are looking for more sustainable food and fibre products – this is a global trend. Justin Webb, AgriWebb, breaks down why this is a great opportunity for Australian farmers to claim a global advantage using ‘ground truth’ data.

4 Mar 2022
growAG image man in field with drone

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