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#Indigenous Australia

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Indigenous wisdom meets ag innovation at evokeAG. 2025

Head of Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc. Queensland Biosecurity Ambassador, Queensland Conservation Council Chair, Queensland Water and Landcarer’s Director. Proud Kuuku Yalanji man. Truth teller. And soon to be evokeAG. 2025 keynote speaker.
Trevor Meldrum embodies the grit, spirit, and insight that Australia’s indigenous producers bring to food and fibre production.
evokeAG. contributor Casey Dunn sat down to ask Trevor about blending Indigenous pest and weed management practices with modern technology. The conversation that transpired was much richer.  

Cultural IP meets capitalism: How do we ensure Indigenous innovators share the benefit?

Indigenous people have lived in Australia and interacted with country for millennia. And over this period, they’ve developed knowledge systems which have been nurtured and passed down through generations. The Western world knows such knowledge systems as intellectual property (IP). But when Indigenous cultural IP and Western business models converge, how do we ensure shared benefit?
Here, Indigenous entrepreneurs and business leaders discuss the opportunities, risks – and tremendous importance – of sharing cultural knowledge with a modern world.

growAG image man in field with drone

AgriFutures growAG.

Explore a world of agrifood innovation opportunities.

AgriFutures growAG. is the online marketplace for agrifood innovation. Explore, find and connect with expertise, research and investment opportunities from Australia and around the world in one, easy to use location.

Visit growAG.