The secret life of bees and tracking real-time pollination
Pollinated agriculture is estimated to be a $14 billion industry in Australia alone. Now an innovative technology, Bee Innovative can track how well bees are pollinating a crop and provide growers with real-time information to help boost yield and profits. Here commercial beekeeper and CEO and Co-Founder of Bee Innovative, David Lyall talks about its growing potential.

This week we bring you an important conversation about bees, the lifeblood of the food chain – responsible for pollinating one-third of Australia’s food – and why protecting their existence, in the midst of a national biosecurity threat, the varroa mite, has never been of greater importance.
Our AgriFutures evokeAG. contributor Casey Dunn caught up with David Lyall, a commercial beekeeper, and CEO and Co-Founder of Bee Innovative, an Australian agritech startup revolutionising the centuries-old practice of commercial pollination.
The groundbreaking technology gives growers a real-time insight into how well bees are pollinating a crop, enabling interventions that boost yield, quality, and profitability.
Learn more about Bee Innovative here or connect with David and Kate Lyall at AgriFutures evokeAG. 2023 event in Adelaide, 21-22 February 2023.
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