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A bumper harvest and new approach to workforce supply

A career in agricultural machinery sales and an after-work hobby led to Will Mitchell founding a burgeoning labour hire startup. WorksForYou matches university students and young athletes with casual, unskilled roles and recently played a major role in helping farms in New South Wales and ACT finish one of Australia’s biggest harvests in history.

2 Mar 2022

New WA Hub seeks innovative solutions to drought

Growers will be at the forefront of innovation with the launch of the South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, designed to help manage climate variability and increase productivity on-farm through innovative technologies and grassroots collaboration.

29 Nov 2021

Trans-Tasman collaboration driving global innovation and action in 2022

2022 is set to bring the Trans-Tasman agrifood innovation community together to tackle the big conversations across farming, natural resource management and sustainable supply-chains. With three events scheduled – evokeAG. West (Feb 2022), evokeAG. East, and the inaugural 2035 Oceania Summit (Auckland, April 2022) – farmers, investors, researchers, innovators, corporates and government will come together to connect, collaborate and take action.

1 Sep 2021

Global collaboration needed to drive Australian agrifood innovation

AgriFutures Australia Managing Director, John Harvey shares his vision for Australian agrifood tech innovation and why global collaboration is needed to continue driving commercialisation of homegrown R&D and global partnerships. Here he speaks with Australian agritech entrepreneur and BDO AgTech Lead, Michael Macolino, about evokeAG. and new platform – growAG. to help accelerate the innovation pathway.

20 Jul 2021

The Hon. David Littleproud MP launches

A game-changing online digital platform connecting the world to Australian agricultural innovation will drive investment, commercialisation and make research and development outcomes transparent for levy payers and the community. Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud said growAG will showcase success stories, research projects and commercial opportunities in one centralised location.

13 Apr 2021
growAG image man in field with drone

AgriFutures growAG.

Explore a world of agrifood innovation opportunities.

AgriFutures growAG. is the online marketplace for agrifood innovation. Explore, find and connect with expertise, research and investment opportunities from Australia and around the world in one, easy to use location.

Visit growAG.