Explore Contributors - evokeAG.

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Sandra Godwin

Journalist and communications specialist

Swan Hill, Victoria

Anna Conn

Anna Conn

Communications Specialist | Anna Conn Communications

Wellington, NSW

Dan Shultz

Dan Shultz

Agribusiness psychotherapist

Author: Ag Done Different

Mike Lee

Mike Lee

Author and designer: Mise

Principal Futurist: The Future Market

Chris Bird

Chris Bird

FPA Patent Attorneys

Principal | BA (EngSci), MSc (Intellectual Property)

Dr Roberta Marcoli

Roberta Marcoli

Postdoctoral Aquaculture Researcher at James Cook University

Fleur Anderson at evokeAG. 2020

Do you have something to tell us?

New technology. Innovation. Research. Startups. Deals. We want to know about all of the exciting things happening across the global agrifood industry. Simply email us if you are in the know or have a content ideas.

Contributors team [email protected]